Sunday, October 26, 2014

days and nights

Not terribly long ago, I would come home and remember Sunday nights spent lazily at home, finishing whatever chores or projects pushed off to the end of the weekend. I wondered how many Sundays in a row it would take before I felt like I needed a break. Sunday after Sunday I wondered; Thursday after planning meeting Thursday, I did the same. And yet, each meeting refreshed and rejuvenated me; gave me new purpose, direction, love for the teens we were working with, for. Without realizing it, Sunday has become something other than routine. It's become real. Real worship, real teaching, real learning, real conversation. Real friendship.

Staying home with our firstborn, there were times when I wondered about the return on investment involved in being Momma. Having no family around, and only having lived in the area a very short time when he was born, there were many, many long and quiet - often lonely - hours spent on long walks in the woods, sitting on the floor, or rocking him to sleep. In short, lots of time to think and wonder. I remember one day when I was sick, but still Momming, as Moms do the world over, and he began to sing to me. The words I sang to him as he fell asleep were coming back to me, and I realized the ROI is more than just intangible - it's priceless.

Lately I've felt that same awe and wonder when I watch and listen to our kids. Only they really are hardly kids any longer. They are men and near men, and what they share of their hearts amazes me. The fact that I've been around to watch them grow and develop into the fine young men they are is humbling and thrilling, awesome and amazing. That they share with me, that I have the opportunity to learn who they are (from them!), that I can enjoy their company simply because they are is sometimes overwhelming. In all honesty, they have molded me far more than I could ever have molded them. We listen to each other. We've all grown. And I'm gratefully speechless.

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