Monday, August 11, 2014

fare thee well

He hugged me, saying "thank you for letting me go. Even though I know you don't want me to." I do, though. I want him to go and see where this dreams lead him. I will miss him -- I do already -- but that doesn't mean I want him to stay. To be tied to me, to this edition of home, to my life and dreams (and, let's face it: issues). 
Our goal has always been for our boys to grow into fine young men. (A refrain that has at times made them crazy when it meant that the answer was no, that they were grounded, their wings clipped in any way.) as I've watched him this summer, anticipating this morning's departure, I've been so inspired by the man he is becoming. Having always felt blessed by his presence in my life, I can honestly say that he has enabled helped me to grow, in many ways. I've learned from him just about every day since he was born. 
Almost a year ago, I was speaking with some parents at church and mentioned that in working with the high school kids, we would be teaching them, yes, but we'd also be learning with and from them. One of the fathers found that to be wholly unsatisfactory. He told me there was nothing we should be learning from them; they are just kids. I politely and quietly disagreed with him, and we've never seen his kids on Sunday nights. I'm saddened every time I think of that interaction. Am I not just a child myself, with so much to learn? 
My son, my child, my baby boy, please go with my love and blessing! Continue to grow, to learn, to teach, and to be. Be yourself -- the you that God intends you to be. Remember what we've taught you. Remember you have a home with us always. Remember that with The Lord beside you, you are never, ever alone. Follow your dream. Give glory. Learn much -- especially about yourself. You are always in my heart. 

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