Saturday, August 30, 2014

first three things

Normally, I don't "do" challenge things that are on social media. For whatever reason, they make me feel kind of like I'm getting chain mail, which I was warned about hundreds of times in elementary school. (Not only is it illegal, it's unsavory; the work of evil minds.) This, however, is different. This is actually an exercise I've been working on--and often putting off or "forgetting"--and is worth the thinking time. The same friend who 'suggested' me for it also recently tagged me in a photo posting exercise which I have not yet done, but have been mulling over. So, here goes. Day One of Three Things For Which I Am Thankful.

#1 My faith. God loves me. I love God. Those simple truths make all the difference. God lets me be me, flaws and all, and brings me back in for a hug when I mess things up--even if I meant to. I talk to Him every day, and do my best to listen. Even when I don't understand what or why or how, I have faith that His plan is for the long-term--and is in His time. Today I have some hurt I'm helping friends bear. Faith makes that both easier and harder.

#2 My husband. It's been a crazy ride, some of which I would rather not repeat, but none of which I would trade or give up. He makes me laugh, he lets me cry, he disagrees with me, and he supports me. He is real, and he allows and encourages me to be real, too. Since the day we married, we have been family, and I cannot imagine--or remember!--any other way.

#3 Words. There is such delight in finding the words to express oneself. Today I read words that brought me joy, and words that cut me to the quick. In between, words raced and bounced through my mind, across my heart. around my being, and found themselves in songs I heard, conversations I took part in, and prayers that rose from my heart to the heavens.

These three are intertwined, as are all the 'parts' of my life. I cannot fathom the strength of any without the others today.

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