Sunday, July 8, 2012

a special psa

Yesterday, I hit a wall. I have a job that I really do enjoy most aspects of. There is always something that throws a monkey wrench into every job, and yesterday the whole hardware store seemed to be involved. Worse, it was a day off, and still the wrenches kept coming.

My job is in the Make People Happy sector, and, generally, that is what we manage to do. You may be surprised at how bending over to pick up a few straw wrappers and fruit slices can make people on an average day. Lately, however, the days have been far from average.

Above average temperatures have pushed most everyone to their limits. Working outside in the heat is one of the sacrifices we make to do our job, and we grumble about it, but only amongst ourselves. I am also honest about it: when people ask how I am doing, I flat out say, "I'm hot and sometimes cranky." They laugh, I laugh, and we move on about our business.

Please remember that those working in the service and/or safety industries are there for your benefit, but not for your dumping. Yes, we are getting paid to smile sweetly at you, but that is not all we are doing. I am also hauling your trash, lugging buckets of slop, picking up after you and your children, sweeping up, mopping, washing, organizing, and trying to make my payroll. Not for the money I make, either, but because I know how important it is for you to enjoy your visit. I cannot control the temperature of the air, the ground, your beer, and to a certain extent, the water around you. I cannot control the behavior of those around you, either. I can (and do!) address behaviors that have a negative effect on the overall environment, but I cannot do that before the fact. I was not hired to read minds, which is a good thing, because I missed that class.

Yesterday, I heard one more time that "this doesn't happen when Stephanie is here." Sure it does. Whatever "it" is. I trust those I have hired to do the job I expect of them when I am not there. You need to, as well. Your complaints, if you look at them rationally, are probably more due to the fact that you are "hot and sometimes cranky," too. The saying goes, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." I'd like to propose that if you can't stand how hot it is outside, you should find someplace air conditioned. Then let us do our (outside) job.

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