Sunday, December 27, 2015

coffee for one

Some mornings I brew a full pot of coffee in hopes that someone might stop by unexpectedly for some - allowing myself to forget that there really aren't any neighbors. In the end, I'll drink it myself; today being one of those mornings. But as I pour and add just a touch of cream, I will think of those whose faces I would be overjoyed to see at the window. The list is short, specific. There are others I would  open the door to, who are not currently "on the radar, but perhaps should be." These others would face unknown scrutiny: questions that will float through my head searching for answers in conversation, movement, tone -- my gut. "Examine motivation." Not my accustomed MO. Why are you asking; what are you doing here; can you possibly understand with what little I've been able to ever make known? What am I saying; why do I want to respond; am I looking for something that isn't there? Motivation belongs to both parties, and although "no motivation is completely pure," coffee is sometimes coffee. 
How am I to examine motivation, and at the same time work less at finding and just BE? 
Coffee's ready; time's up. Just me and the sounds of the house, waiting for You. 

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