Saturday, December 22, 2012

where to start

Since Thanksgiving, I have been on a whirlwind and wild ride. I started a new job the week of Thanksgiving; my first full-time job since Jonathan was born. The job itself has been an awesome step in the right direction for me, personally, and for us as a family. I've been learning so much, keeping busy at work, and stretching myself meeting people.

At home, things have been hectic, trying to juggle my new schedule, the boys' schedules, meals, Guy's new schedule we were just adapting to, plus getting ready for Christmas. The boys have been troopers: pitching in with laundry and meal planning and prep (and the meals have been Ah-Maze-Ing!) while I've sewn pajamas for the 6 of us. Mutual benefit, and mutual satisfaction.

Now, it's the first day of vacation, and despite sheer exhaustion brought on by a late night of packing followed by an early morning departure and a long drive. We've arrived, lunched, visited, laughed, dinnered, and are getting ready for a nice glass of wine to finish out the evening (it's 7:20, but feels like 11:00 to me!) while we wait for the rest of the party to arrive. Goodness all around.

These are the first words I think of each day lately. My life is contentment and thankfulness right now, and that's based on choices I have made: thoughtful, careful and deliberate choices. Not only am I back to myself, I am back to my life--the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it is what it is, and needs to be taken in stride.

Loving my new job and the people there has quite a bearing on my outlook. While I loved most of the people I worked with previously, and I loved the job with all my being, I did not feel, at the end of the day, like I do now. A work in progress....that's my life, that's me, that's what it's all about.

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