Tuesday, January 15, 2013



Having sniffles is the worst. My current sniffles are accompanied by an infrequent, but nasty sounding cough, and I don't like them. During the day, despite the constant need to stay within arm's reach of a tissue box (and, therefore, hand sanitizer at work), I feel pretty good! As long as I take my cold medicine, I could almost forget about this cold. Except that my columella is pretty raw by now.

Then, right around 6 pm, I hit a wall. It's a nice, padded wall, but it slows me right down anyway. A cup of tea and a little bit of a volunteer project perked me up a wee tad, but I am still dragging. I can tell because I'm having a tough time understanding the words swirling in my mind. They seem backwards, inside out, slow.

Early to bed again tonight, and another attempt at a run in the morning. A cold lasts 10 days (the best medicine I ever got was this little tidbit of information!) and I'm right on schedule with this one. Yesterday was the worst day, so each day now should see fewer and fewer tissues in my little wastebasket by my desk.

In the meantime, Christmas decorations can sit out a little longer. The dogs can get a little extra attention, and the Bubba and I can play a few more games. And evening snuggle time will start earlier. It's almost enough to make me like being a bit under the weather.


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