Tuesday, January 29, 2013

watching and waiting

Over the past week, I've had a few interesting revelations. First, at Faith Matters on Wednesday night, I realized that the key to following an example of living, and then setting that example for others, is to first set an example for myself. Each day, each moment, each turning point needs to be a time that I want to be able to turn to the next time I come to a crossroads. A simple revelation, but not such a simple habit. Try it yourself...

In reading about Mother Teresa this week, there was a passage about a "terrible darkness" that she experienced after saying "yes" to Jesus. After reading the passage, I noted, "Darkness is followed by light. Always. Sometimes, though, the darkness lasts longer or seems even deeper. The times I have turned to prayer in the darkness (I don't always [pray]; because I forget, or it doesn't occur to me--sometimes to pray, sometimes that it is dark!), the subsequent light has been dazzling, refreshing. Mother's description of lowered head and arms outstretched, heart open [on the cross], mirrors my desire to comfort Jesus." Darkness is not always related to darktime, but the two can be intertwined. I'm wondering this week if my revelations are related to the longer days. If so, the timing for this Consecration couldn't have been better for me...

While it's not a new revelation, I have been thinking about, and looking for, the many, varied blessings in my life. We have our faults and foibles, our scars and our wrinkles. But, more importantly, we have each other, and the joys we've built together. Our life is ours, our love is ours, our faith is deepening, day by day. It's all good. And I am grateful, every day.

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