Monday, January 21, 2013

to the moon

I used to think that I knew the boundaries on my love. Rather, that love was contained within the confines of my heart. That the things I would do for love were expansive, but the love itself was in one place, contained, and easily reachable.

Over the course of the last five or six months, however, I have been experiencing something amazing. My heart has exploded. That is to say, my heart is everywhere. Love now feels like the universe. When I look inside, to see the love in my heart, I see mountains, oceans, stars and the moon. I feel an openness, a freedom that I've never experienced before. A wildness that makes me feel tame, calm, serene. At home.

If home is where the heart is, my home has now become everywhere. I've let go, and now can be open to so many more possibilities, so many more nuances. This morning, talking with Guy, I cried telling him about the vastness of the love in my heart, overflowing its banks. Then we laughed, because crying is just what I do. "It's who you are."

There are no boundaries on love. There is no reason to keep it contained. True love, good love, honest love knows no boundaries, and trying to keep it bottled up only chokes it; like putting a jar over a candle. Once it's released, there is no need to rein it back in. And I have no desire to. I want it to be wild and free.

I've let it go, and it comes back to me.

And I am eternally grateful for the lesson.

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