Wednesday, August 22, 2012

dare: the truth

Affirmation of honesty and truth. The real kind, that makes you realize just how lucky you are to have someone in your life--yet again! That's what I've had every day lately. The kind that makes you want to chest bump, high five--no high TEN! The kind that makes you feel like the women's beach volleyball teams when they scored (or the Australians whenever they finished a volley!) and makes you want to sing from a rooftop.

Yes, yesterday was the best day yet, finishing off even better than it started, and today has been that much sweeter. Feeling sappy, am I? Why, yes, I am, and I won't ever apologize for it! I've been literally handed proof that my husband is my rock, my love, my joy. My life is rich for the sweet honesty we share, and the example we can set for our children.

Would I trade any of my experiences? Not a chance--anymore! Each one has made me, molded me, formed me, into the strong, healthy and happy woman I am. And each one has been mortar for the stepping stones of my future.

Is honesty easy? No way. Is it worth the difficulty? Absolutely! Am I more in love today than I was yesterday, last week, last year? Oh, I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've added a new prayer to my growing list: a prayer of deep thanksgiving for the life we have together, and for how it can withstand life's storms.

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