Monday, August 20, 2012

up that hill

We ran this morning, for the second time (yesterday being the first) in months. Pain in my foot and ankle, pain in his foot, weather excuses, summertime laziness, and a host of other obstacles have had us benched. I'm amazed, impressed and pleased with how good it felt to get out early and push ourselves a bit further than yesterday. Boy, did it feel good! At one point, though, when we had to walk out two stitches in my side, I found myself wondering how bad tomorrow would feel--mostly regarding sore muscles. Once again, I reminded myself that I only need enough for today. "Get me through this run, feeling good, and I'll be thankful; to my body, to God, and to my fantastic running mates." And so I am. As a bonus, I am already looking forward to getting even further tomorrow. I've missed our 3-mile mornings, and really want to build back to them.

There will certainly be days when we don't get out there, or when we just can't go as far, or it just plain hurts. That's okay. We're prepared: we're talking about the possibility, making plans for alternatives, for progressing naturally, for getting back on track. And taking it all day by day. Give us enough for today. That's been my mantra lately; replacing "Just breathe," since that was only getting me through, not helping me build. When I needed to breathe, I was in a different place. Staying afloat was a decent option. All these years later, I'm going for more--because I can! Not only is my support system different (read: stronger!), but my mindset is more open, yet more focused at the same time. (I know that's possible--I took a photography class--and the results are fantastic when the subject matter is right.)

Sweating out life's toxins is the best result of our runs. Running, talking, crying, laughing, yoga and writing are my ways of watching the darkness rush out of my mind, my heart, and my soul. Take close to equal parts, shake, and serve. My life is good. My life is better than good: it's better than it's been since I can remember. I feel more like an individual within my role as a member of a team than I ever have before, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. And I'm getting back on track, which is more rewarding than anything else I've ever experienced.

I'm happy, so I run. Finally I run to all the time; I don't run away from. I am arriving.

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